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Friday, December 31, 2010

X-Men 5: The Day of Futures Past

All Best Sellers Stuff
EDIT: I rewrote several parts of this,as well as introduced the character Domino. Check it out and let me know what you think of the changes.

The X-Men must band together to save their mentor Professor Xavier from the clutches of Bolivar Trask and his Sentinels.

Meanwhile two people from different times struggle to stop the events of their world from occuring, at any cost.
X-Men 5: The Day of Futures Past

This is a sequel to my X-Men 4 story. The link ot it is down below with links to my other stories.

EDIT: I rewrote several parts of this,as well as introduced the character Domino. Check it out and let me know what you think of the changes.

Discussions underway for X-Men 4 and X-Men 5

Discussions underway for X-Men 4 and X-Men 5

Recently a special event was held to promote the soon to be released X-Men Origins: Wolverine DVD and Blu-ray. X-Men Origins: Wolverine director Gavin Hood attended the event together with X-Men producer Lauren Shuler Donner.

I’ve already posted the key info that surfaced regarding Gavin Hood, which was basically that he’s not yet attached to direct X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2 and that the film is still a long way off. You can read that article here.

But it seems the most interesting information to surface came from Donner who served up some tidbits on X-Men 4, X-Men 5, and X-Men: First Class. She also commented on what she thinks about the controversy surrounding Ryan Reynolds taking on the starring roles in both Deadpool and The Green Lantern.

Confirmation that discussions are underway for X-Men 4 and 5:

I think there are some wonderful storylines I’d like to pursue in X-Men 4 and5, but who knows? Obviously Fox is my partner, so we’re in discussions about what will be next

On whether or not she has an issue with Ryan Reynolds playing both Deadpool and The Green Lantern:

Not on my end, personally, not on my end, no. I think you can do different characters. We’ve had different Bonds right, and I think if Harrison Ford can be in Indiana Jones and he can be in the Tom Clancy movies, I think if you are a good actor you become the character and it’s alright.

Whilst she didn’t reveal anything we didn’t already know about X-Men: First Class, she did make a brief comment about the potential for Bryan Singer, who directed X-Menand X2, to return to direct the prequel:

There’s a possibility.

That might be a good possibility given Donner added that Singer would not be too busy with other projects, though it’s hard to fathom how that can be possible when you consider just how many projects Singer currently has on his plate. Perhaps hisBattlestar Galactica feature film is a lot further off than the 2011 date it has been tentatively scheduled for.

Either way, all pretty good news for fans of X-Men.

Source: Reelz Channel

5 Must Have X-Men Movie Villains

X-Men Movie Producers! No More Magneto

By Chad Derdowski December 09, 2009

5 Must Have X-Men Movie Villains
© Mania/Bob Trate

There’s been a lot of talk on these here interwebs about the future of the X-Men film franchise. Should the next film be a prequel and feature the founding members of the team as seen in the pages of “X-Men: First Class?” Should it go in an entirely different direction and feature the next generation of mutant heroes, ala New Mutants? Or should the whole thing be scrapped and rebooted from scratch?
Regardless of the decision made, one thing that would definitely breathe new life into the franchise is the addition of a new villain. Obviously Magneto was the only choice for the first film and the story that played out in the two sequels was a good one (though the quality may be debated). But for the next film, we’re hoping to see them branch out a bit. There’s a whole world of X-villains to choose from. Here are our top picks:

With word of Singer's return to X-Men, the Hollywood Reporter inquires into the future of other superhero movies in development, most notably Magneto.
Gabe - 12/29/2009

Studio exec and script writer give us insight into the future of the project.
Pietro Filipponi - 11/10/2009

Check out this awesome fan-made trailer for an X-Men Origins: Magneto movie starring Sir Ian McKellen!
Brent Sprecher - 11/6/2009

Sir Ian McKellen talks about the Magneto movie and Patrick Stewart's cameo in X-Men Origins: Wolverine!
Brent Sprecher - 10/14/2009

The Ninja Assassin director (and rumored Supermanrelaunch director) denies being attached to Magneto.
Brent Sprecher - 10/3/2009

David Goyer gives us the latest on the magnetic mutant's movie.
jman1977 - 10/2/2009

"V For Vendetta Director" is in talks to direct "X-Men Origins: Magneto."
ecksmanfan - 9/23/2009

The director of X-Men Origins: Wolverine says Magneto is a "phenomenally interesting character."
Brent Sprecher - 9/21/2009

"A look at the early life of Eric Lensherr and his friendship with Charles Xavier, and how the one-time allies became mortal enemies."
BeckyEmm - 9/16/2009

Calling all Magneto fans! Per David Goyer "X-Men Origins: Magneto" will move forward next year!
jman1977 - 8/24/2009

Will it happen? Will the guy who first brought us the Concentration Camp scene in X1 be back to direct the Mutant Magneto on his first solo big screen debut?
jman1977 - 6/1/2009

IMDB lists James McTeigue (V for Vendetta) as "in talks" to direct the movie from a script by David Goyer (Batman Begins) who was unable to direct due to his commitment to his The Invisible Man.
ComicBookMovie - 5/13/2009

'X-Men: First Class will be lighter fare and the Magneto script is "fantastic."

X-Men Origins: Magneto

The original X-Men film began with a prologue that showed the character Erik Lehnsherr as a child being led to a concentration camp by Nazis and that is the period in which the Magneto film will take place. The storyline will heavily involve a youthful Professor X, a soldier in the allied force that liberated the concentration camps. The professor meets Magneto after the war and while they bond over the realisation that they are alike in their special powers, their differences soon turn them into enemies.

The X-Men film series is a series of superhero filmsbased on the fictional Marvel Comics team of the same name. The films star an ensemble cast, focusing onHugh Jackman as Wolverine, as he is drawn into the conflict between Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart) andMagneto (Ian McKellen), who have opposing views on humanity's relationship with mutants: Xavier believes humanity and mutants can coexist, but Magneto believes a war is coming, and intends to fight. The films also developed subplots based on the comics' Weapon X and Dark Phoenix storylines.

20th Century Fox earned the film rights to the characters in 1994, and after numerous drafts, Bryan Singer was hired to direct X-Men and returned for X2. He left a potential third and fourth film to direct Superman Returns, leaving Brett Ratner to direct X-Men: The Last Stand. Critics praised Singer's films for their dark, realistic tone, and subtexts dealing with discriminationand intolerance, but Ratner's film was met with mixed reviews. Nonetheless, each film outgrossed the last, and Fox is developing spin-off prequels. The X-Men films are also attributed as leading to a reemergence of superhero films in the 2000s, such as the Spider-Man film series

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