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Friday, December 31, 2010

Discussions underway for X-Men 4 and X-Men 5

Discussions underway for X-Men 4 and X-Men 5

Recently a special event was held to promote the soon to be released X-Men Origins: Wolverine DVD and Blu-ray. X-Men Origins: Wolverine director Gavin Hood attended the event together with X-Men producer Lauren Shuler Donner.

I’ve already posted the key info that surfaced regarding Gavin Hood, which was basically that he’s not yet attached to direct X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2 and that the film is still a long way off. You can read that article here.

But it seems the most interesting information to surface came from Donner who served up some tidbits on X-Men 4, X-Men 5, and X-Men: First Class. She also commented on what she thinks about the controversy surrounding Ryan Reynolds taking on the starring roles in both Deadpool and The Green Lantern.

Confirmation that discussions are underway for X-Men 4 and 5:

I think there are some wonderful storylines I’d like to pursue in X-Men 4 and5, but who knows? Obviously Fox is my partner, so we’re in discussions about what will be next

On whether or not she has an issue with Ryan Reynolds playing both Deadpool and The Green Lantern:

Not on my end, personally, not on my end, no. I think you can do different characters. We’ve had different Bonds right, and I think if Harrison Ford can be in Indiana Jones and he can be in the Tom Clancy movies, I think if you are a good actor you become the character and it’s alright.

Whilst she didn’t reveal anything we didn’t already know about X-Men: First Class, she did make a brief comment about the potential for Bryan Singer, who directed X-Menand X2, to return to direct the prequel:

There’s a possibility.

That might be a good possibility given Donner added that Singer would not be too busy with other projects, though it’s hard to fathom how that can be possible when you consider just how many projects Singer currently has on his plate. Perhaps hisBattlestar Galactica feature film is a lot further off than the 2011 date it has been tentatively scheduled for.

Either way, all pretty good news for fans of X-Men.

Source: Reelz Channel

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